A Time for Reflection: How to Show Up Well for Your Patients in 2020

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A Time for Reflection: How to Show Up Well for Your Patients in 2020

We’re about to be turning our calendars to 2020. Like most people, it’s a time to reflect on what went well the past year and imagine what kind of year we would like to see come to fruition moving forward. It’s important to always push ourselves to provide the best care for our patients. For many, the goal is to reduce no shows and increase patients. This can be done by providing exceptional service in the following ways. 

Bring Patients In

You may provide exceptional care, but if potential patients don’t know about it, they are likely going to go with a clinic they are familiar with. So, let them get familiar with your name and build a solid reputation. 

Get Social

If you haven’t made social media accounts for your office, now is the time! If you have, it’s time to get active. If you “kinda sorta” have a social media presence, you’ll “kinda sorta” get results. Post regularly and be sure to include images in posts and respond to comments. You want to drive traffic to your website so they can learn more and make an appointment. 

Referral System

If you’ve provided a quality experience to your patients, they will be telling their circle of friends and family about it. Help them along by establishing a referral system that will benefit all parties. One way you can do this is by reducing new patient costs or offering a free fifteen-minute consultation. Cut a portion of the current patient’s costs as their kickback.

Be Present

Show up in the local community frequently. This could be through neighborhood charities or fundraisers. This establishes trust and familiarity that will be top of mind the next time they or a loved one needs therapy. The community will see that you care about them beyond the walls of your office. 

Get Feedback

Word of mouth is powerful, and today that means online reviews. In fact, 67% of consumers are influenced by online reviews. Encourage your patient to leave reviews by reminding them at their appointment and in a follow-up email. 

Reduce No Shows

Customer Relationship Management

Life seems to move at a faster pace these days and there are times when people don’t feel like coming to therapy. Staying in touch with them before and after their appointments will help encourage them to come to each appointment. 

With each new patient, gather their phone number and email for reminders. You can confirm their preferred method of contact, but the more information you have to reach them, the better. If they miss an appointment, be sure to follow up with them by text or email stating that you missed them and for them to call you to set up the next appointment. You will have more success of patient fulfillment when they have been contacted at least twice prior to their scheduled time. 

Start off 2020 strong with a solid plan to help more patients with their health! Visit NARA to learn more ways to make your practice strong.