Rehab Agency Accreditation

Rehab Agency Accreditation

Visit AAAASF for more information – The information below is taken from the AAAASF website.  NARA Members in good standing receive a 10% discount on their membership with AAAASF.

How to Become Accredited and Maintain Accreditation Through AAAASF‘s Medicare Approved Outpatient Program

This program assesses the quality of therapeutic care in physical therapy and speech pathology based on the Medicare requirements. These clinics also may offer occupational therapy.

Which clinics may apply for AAAASF/Medicare accreditation?

Clinics already Medicare certified as well as those seeking initial Medicare certification may apply for AAAASF accreditation. Applicants must be licensed in the state in which they are located (if that state requires licensure) to be eligible.

Will the state still need to inspect a clinic if it has earned AAAASF/Medicare accreditation?

In most cases, the state will not review a clinic that has been accredited through the AAAASF/Medicare survey but it does not preclude the state from conducting validation or complaint surveys. State licensure surveys are separate from Medicare surveys and conducted according to state requirements. State licensure surveys may be inclusive of physical environment requirements that exceed any specified by CMS.