Healthy Through The Holidays

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Healthy Through The Holidays

Don’t let the holidays halt the health strides you have made the past year. There are ways to keep your active lifestyle on track as you travel, eat and prepare for the fun festivities. We hope you can find something that helps you this season with some guidance on overcoming common barriers to a healthy lifestyle. 

We live in a culture where there is a holiday to celebrate nearly every month. If we use the holidays as a reason to bail on our health goals we will always be trying to climb out of a rut. Use this holiday season to set yourself up for success this year!

Making a List 

All of the holiday to-dos are enough to overwhelm even the best of us. Stress is a common barrier to enjoying the simplicity of the holiday season. Be okay with saying no and know it’s okay to not have everything picture perfect. Write down your biggest priorities and mentally let go of those that aren’t as important. These breathing exercises can help when you start to feel overwhelmed. 

Set yourself up for success by making a list of what you envision your holidays to look like in terms of your health. Think about the meals that will be had and areas where you think you may have some weaknesses. How will you prepare in advance to avoid letting these trigger areas throw you off course?

Checking It Twice

Review the goals you have set periodically throughout the season. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of it all and tell yourself you’ll get back on course in the next year. This way of thinking can prevent you from reaching your goals in the new year. 

While Riding the Sleigh 

Muscles get stiff while sitting for long periods of time. Be sure to get up and stretch throughout your journey!

The Twist: If you’re a passenger, this is a great way to stretch your back without standing. Breathe in and twist your body while sitting as far as you can to the right and left.

Neck Twist: This can be done while driving. Stretch your neck muscles from all angles to help take the pressure off of your sitting spine. 

Shoulder Stretch: Slowly pull your shoulders back as you clasp your arms behind your back and lock your fingers. Breathe slowly and repeat.

Walk: Make pit stops or get up and walk around the plane to stretch your legs and get the blood flowing throughout your body.

The Milk and Cookies 

This time of year is notorious for delicious sweet goodies and savory snacks. You don’t need to deny yourself of these items, but be aware of what you are putting in your body as to not overdo it. Pay attention to when you are full and let that be enough. Are you really hungry or just grabbing that cookie because it’s there? Pay attention and let go of the guilt from enjoying a treat in moderation. That overfull feeling feels good to no one! 

Be Good, for Goodness Sake! 

There will be some who look down on your health journey and may even tease you for your healthy choices this season. Don’t let them block you from accomplishing what you have decided is a priority for yourself. People generally feel their happiest and have the most energy when they are exercising and eating well.  Be good to yourself!

Health isn’t a season, it’s a lifestyle. For more ways to encourage yourself and others to live a healthy lifestyle visit our site today.