Posted On: December 22, 2021 by NARA in: Advocacy Billing Compliance Education Healthcare Legislation Legislature

If you haven’t heard by now, there are big changes coming this year when it comes to the CMS Physician Fee Schedule. Among other things, it looks like things will be moving ahead when it comes to cuts in payment to almost three dozen healthcare divisions. We at NARA are keeping tabs on everything and wanted to make sure you were aware of advocacy efforts leading into this new year.
2021 Responses – Click on each bullet below for more information.
SNF Proposed Rule FY 2022 June 7, 2021
2021 Legislative and Regulatory Priorities – You can read an in-depth review of each of these points here.
Educating the Biden administration and newly elected members of Congress
Rejecting the upcoming rate adjustment for PTAs and OTAs under Medicare Part B
Granting access to merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) by rehabilitation industries
Continue to promote rehabilitation services as an alternative to opioids to combat the epidemic
Improve access to rehabilitation providers by advocating for supporting legislation
Support the use of telehealth and digital health services
Keep track of and understand how the Coronavirus pandemic impacts our industries
The NARA Political Action Committee (PAC)
If you’re interested in joining our advocacy efforts, please consider NARA PAC. This is a way for everyone – individuals, providers, corporations and unions – to work together on a common political goal. Donations of time and money allow us to affect positive change in the national political landscape. Learn more about how to join our advocacy efforts here.
The fight isn’t over! 2022 is going to present many challenges. The best way to make changes in the industry that benefits our patients, and our practices is by banding together. If you’re ready to join NARA or reach out about advocacy efforts, reach out today.