Conference Countdown: How to Prepare for NARA’s Fall 2023 Conference

Home Blog Conference Countdown: How to Prepare for NARA’s Fall 2023 Conference

Our Fall 2023 Conference is THIS month, and we can’t wait to see you all! As we get closer and closer to the first day of our pre-conference, we want to help you make the most of this exciting event by providing you with helpful preparation tips. 

Prepare Notes, Goals, and Questions 

  • Preparing comprehensive notes, setting clear goals, and crafting creative questions can help you enhance your experience at our conference! Taking notes throughout sessions and workshops can help you remember the key insights and important takeaways that you can refer to after the conference. This can help you maximize your learning throughout the week.  

  • Setting clear goals before the conference can help you make the most of your time and resources. Think about why you are attending the conference and what you hope to gain from your experience.  

  • Asking the right questions is key when it comes to networking and learning at conferences. Well-prepared questions can lead to more meaningful conversations with speakers and fellow attendees.  

Review The Agenda 

  • Here you can find our full agenda for the conference, which can make planning ahead of time so much easier. After reviewing the agenda, you can create a schedule for yourself and your team to ensure that you have enough time to attend everything you would like to.  

Develop A Networking Strategy Ahead of Time  

  • Our conferences provide a plethora of networking opportunities, so you will want to take full advantage of them by developing a networking strategy ahead of time. Research and identify peers you would like to connect with and reach out before the conference to maximize your networking opportunities and create stronger relationships.  

Don’t Forget to Follow-Up  

  • The benefits of our conference don’t stop once the event is over, to maximize your resources from our conference ensure that you follow up with your new contacts to build those relationships and continue conversations. Review your notes from the conference and create a plan of how you will implement what you’ve learned.  

NARA’s Fall 2023 Conference Information  

Location: Tropicana Las Vegas (Hilton)  

Conference Dates: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 – Friday, October 20, 2023  

Registration Information: Registration is currently open, and it closes on October 18, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. 

Pre-Conference Information: October 17, 2023, from 1:00 – 5:15 pm PST, and the topic is: How To Integrate Remote Therapeutic Monitoring into Your Practice.  

Fall 3-Day Conference Information: October 18-20, 2023, focusing and the topic is: Show Me The Value. 

We hope after reading this blog, you feel prepared and excited to attend the NARA Fall 2023 Conference. You can find more information about registration, conference agenda, accommodation, and more here. We can’t wait to connect with you!