Posted On: September 20, 2013 by NARA in: News
NARA CONFERENCE UPDATE 09.19.2013 NARA’s Fall Conference is only 26 days away...I can hardly believe it! If you have not signed up for our Fall Conference (October 16 - 18 at Disney's Yacht Club Resort in Orlando, Florida), I really want to encourage you to make attending this conference a priority. The theme of this conference is Navigating Rehab Industry Changes. With more pieces of Health Care Reform being implemented in 2014, this conference could not be timelier. Our Fall Conference has an “all-star” speakers list. We have Matthew Weed from Intermountain Healthcare, who is a nationally recognized expert on healthcare strategic planning. Dr. William Adair from Advocate Health returns to NARA. Advocate Health is one of the leaders nationally on Accountable Care Organizations. Terry Stanton, Nancy Beckley, & Cathleen DeMartinis will provide much needed insights on issues such as Manual Medical Review, Functional Limitation Reporting, Recovery Audit Contractors, & Documentation Compliance. I am excited to have Patricia Ryan from International Council on Active Aging with us to discuss wellness programs as a revenue source. I believe wellness programs are an untapped market going forward. NARA’s popular breakout sessions by practice setting will be back with more time allocated to them. Our conference will wrap up with a legislative update from George Olsen, Esq., who continues to be one of the most knowledgeable health care voices on Capitol Hill. Our conference concludes with yet another nationally recognized speaker. Stephen Levine will conclude our conference by discussing how your company can make a successful transition to the new payment models. As you can see, it is going to be a great conference. I felt this conference was so timely I asked the board to extend the “early bird” conference rate by one week. The board unanimously agree. I am happy to announce the “early bird” conference rate has been extended to Friday September 27th. You can register for the conference at - click here for the detailed agenda. I look forward to seeing you in sunny Orlando! Kennedy I. Hawkins, MBA, JD, LLM President