Posted On: September 27, 2021 by NARA in: Holidays Home Health Physical Therapy

In honor of National Physical Therapy Month, we’re here to discuss the six main types as well as how PT can be beneficial to you. When physical therapy is mentioned, most people automatically think of recovering from an injury. While that is one form, there are many others that serve important purposes as well. Let’s jump right in!
Types of Physical Therapy
- Rehabilitative Physical Therapy
When somebody undergoes surgery, it can take a while for the affected body part(s) to recover completely. Rehabilitative PT focuses on helping an individual recover from an injury, both while the patient is still in the hospital and once they get home.
- Occupational Physical Therapy
Occupational PT focuses on the whole person rather than just one issue. This type of PT helps to prevent or recover from a work-related injury. For example, occupational therapists teach laborers the proper way to lift objects to avoid injuring their back.
- Neurological Physical Therapy
If someone has a neurological condition such as Alzheimer’s disease, this type of PT can help patients dramatically improve the mobility and coordination these neurological conditions affect.
- Pediatric Physical Therapy
Focusing on the younger generation, pediatric PT is beneficial for the growth and mobility of infants, toddlers and adolescents. It can help with genetic conditions, disabilities, injuries and more so that these children can develop into strong, healthy adults.
- Geriatric Physical Therapy
On the other hand, geriatric PT focuses on the older generation. Naturally, the older you get, the more difficult once natural movements may become. This type of physical therapy addresses those mobility issues and works to keep older individuals independent and safe.
- Hand Physical Therapy
Hand physical therapy isn’t just focused on the hand but rather the whole arm. Individuals with arthritis or injuries to their arm can use PT to regain their full range of motion.
Importance of Physical Therapy
- Prevent injury
Physical therapists notice when their patients are showing signs of potential injury. These risk factors can be noticed before the injury occurs.
- Manage age-related issues
With age, sometimes the activities you once did become not as easy or safe. Physical therapy helps the elderly maintain their independence and stay mobile in their old age.
- Restore range of motion
When someone suffers an injury, that part of their body can become stiff and limited. PT helps individuals get back the range of motion they may have lost.
- Improve balance
In both adults and children, balance is important for everyday life. PT can help older adults maintain their balance to prevent falls and injuries. It can also be beneficial for little kids as they learn to balance and walk without stumbling.
- Reduce pain
Physical therapy can help reduce pain levels specific to the patient. For example, for a patient with arthritis, PT can help relieve pain in the joints.
Visit our website to become a NARA member and begin taking advantage of our resources for rehabilitation providers. Happy National Physical Therapy Month!