RACs Stop Requests for Medical Records Effective 2.21.14 Per CMS

Home Blog RACs Stop Requests for Medical Records Effective 2.21.14 Per CMS

On February 18, 2014, CMS posted it is in the procurement process for the next round of Recovery Audit Program contracts.  They stressed the importance of winding down the current contracts in order to transition to the new contracts.  Some important dates providers should be aware of are:

  • February 21, 2014 is the last day a Recovery Auditor may send a postpayment Additional Documentation Request (ADR);
  • February 28 is the last day a MAC may send prepayment ADRs for the Recovery Auditor Prepayment Review      Demonstration;
  • June 1 is the last day a Recovery Auditor may send improper payment files to the MACs for adjustment
This "pause" in operations will also allow CMS to continue to refine and improve the Medicare Recovery Audit Program.   For the full announcement click here.  CMS will continue to update this Website with more information on the procurement and awards as information is available. Providers should contact RAC@cms.hhs.gov for additional questions. What Therapy Providers Need to Know:  NARA is actively seeking clarification from CMS on the disposition of therapy claims over $3700 that are mandated by law to have Manual Medical Review.  NARA Spring Conference 2014 will have the most up to the minutes details on issues impacting therapy providers now and for the future.  Click here to get more information on the conference and to register for the conference every therapy provider to should attend!