The NARA Advantage

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The NARA Advantage

The National Association of Rehab Providers & Agencies (NARA) represents more than 80,000 therapists, rehab providers, and rehab support organizations. A NARA membership can provide many benefits that will positively impact your organization. Our mission is to “share knowledge, support, and resources in the rehabilitation industry uniting clinical and successful business management.” We prioritize providing support and promoting growth for all our members. Continue reading to find out more about the NARA advantage to see how your organization can benefit from joining our membership!  


  • NARA offers two different types of membership. The first type of membership is therapy provider membership which is for organizations providing therapy services to patients in all settings. The second type of membership is for associate members at companies providing support to therapy providers. Whether you are a provider or an associate member you will be able to gain all of the benefits that a NARA membership provides.  


  • NARA has built a community where you can build relationships with other members and learn from each other. Within our organization, there is an array of different individuals with years of experience and knowledge that you can learn from. NARA membership provides several collaboration opportunities to ensure that members can maximize their connections and benefits from their membership. A few collaboration opportunities include special interest calls, town hall calls, live conferences, and various committees.  


  • At NARA we work to be strong advocates for our members, their businesses, and the community that they serve. We collaborate with other associations to co-sign letters and attend meetings to share insights and ideas. Additionally, at NARA we have a Political Action Committee (PAC) that works to determine opportunities to provide support. NARA members are provided with many opportunities to advocate for their businesses, communities, and patients.  


  • The healthcare industry is always changing and evolving. We provide several educational opportunities so that our members can stay up to date with the latest information. We organize webinars and conferences for our members to attend and learn about topics like legislation, regulation, and business operations. NARA holds two different conferences each year. The spring conference is held in Washington DC and the fall conference is held on the West Coast in either Las Vegas, Scottsdale, or San Diego.  

When you choose to become a member of the National Association of Rehab Providers & Agencies, you are joining a community of people that are committed to working on improving the rehabilitation industry for both patients and providers. NARA provides collaboration, advocacy, and education to its members and that is the NARA advantage! If you are interested in becoming a member, here is our membership form or you can contact our team for further information!