Posted On: April 23, 2021 by NARA in: Best Practices Goals Group Therapy Therapy Programs Wellness Programs

For many, Memorial Day marks a day of remembrance as well as the beginning of the summer season. For others, Memorial Day is a reminder of physical, mental and emotional sacrifices. We recognize that the main call to action with Memorial Day is that we find a way to honor and serve the veterans we lost and those veterans who have served the country. Here are some different programs and activities that help serve our veterans in the best way we at NARA know how: through physical therapy.
Wellness Programs
Each veteran is going to have different needs based on their injuries. One way to help serve your veteran patients is to develop or recommend wellness programs for them. This can include short and long-term care plans, caregiver support, dietary guidelines and exercise regimens that help them move closer to their goals.
Wilderness Therapy
The health benefits of nature are undeniable. Wilderness therapy is a great way to immerse oneself in nature to not only help with physical recovery but also with mental recovery. Here are a few great programs currently being offered to veterans that have the potential to be implemented in various locations across the US.
Warrior Expeditions: This is a veteran-led outdoor therapy program that aims to help veterans with long-distance outdoor expeditions. Hike, bike or paddle, there is an expedition ready for the veteran you know that would thrive in a challenge.
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing: If you have veteran clients who enjoy the outdoors and fishing, here is a great option! With divisions across all 50 states, they help veterans with disabilities fly fish in groups with other veterans to promote recovery from emotional and physical trauma.
Minority Programs
Minority veterans face a unique set of challenges. The Center for Minority Veterans is a great place to start for clients who are facing difficulties. From training and development to an emerging leaders program, there are many resources available to those veterans of color, women, LGBTQ+ and nonreligious minority veterans.
Fitness Programs
Veteran clients with adaptive needs can also benefit from sports and fitness programs. The VA is a great resource to look and connect with a sports team in their game and location. They have about every athletic activity you could think of including winter and summer sports programs. Here is some information about all the available programs.
Whatever you do this Memorial Day, utilizing your skills as a therapist will serve veterans in an incredibly meaningful way. Many veterans simply want to return to their normal lives with the support and communication from those who understand the trials they face as they return to civilian life. Let’s truly take the time to ramp up our services to honor those who have served. Visit our website to learn more ways that you can get involved and connect with helping patients from all backgrounds.