Posted On: September 15, 2017 by NARA in: Best Practices Therapy Business

In a growing world of social media advertising and traditional campaigns, it can be hard to keep up with the ever changing marketing techniques. Thankfully, the professionals at NARA have compiled their top tips and tricks to market your therapy practice to potential clients.
Billboards are a great way to reach a wide variety of people. They are seen all day and night by all ages driving down the road. This means that not just one demographic is being marketed to, but a whole range of people are being impacted by the billboard.
2.Industry Magazine
Ads in the related industry magazine will target those directly seeking therapy practices. This will be beneficial to you because the reader is already interested in therapy and has a higher chance of contacting you when they see your related industry ad.
Ads in a newspaper are great for reaching a wide demographic, even though it is said to be a dying marketing solution. Many different types of people read the newspaper which means there is a good chance that they will be interested in what services you are offering.
4.SEO Keywords
Lots of marketing has moved into the digital world. By using certain keywords correctly and multiple times, you will be able to highlight your business online when someone searches for your industry. The correct search engine optimization keywords you use will allow you to be one of the first seen when searched for online.
5.Compelling Copy
Using the correct grammar and motivating words will make a reader want to learn more about you and what you can do for them. By creating a call to action on every page, you are guiding the potential client through your history and services which will give you a higher chance of getting the potential client to contact you.
Attend seminars related to your industry in order to market your brand to others. This will set you up for future clients, business partners, and others who may recommend you to someone looking for a therapy service.
7.Media Platforms
By being involved in all types of media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more, you will have a wider reach to a bigger demographic to market your business.
These different steps you can take to market your therapy industry will be beneficial to you because you can reach a wider client base. We hope that you try out these different platforms to see how much you can expand your business. If you have questions on what else you can do to widen your client reach, attend out fall conference – we’d be happy to discuss solutions with you there!