Posted On: September 20, 2017 by NARA in: Fall Conference

It’s that time of year again! The 2017 Fall Conference is right around the corner. We could not be more excited to kick it all off at the Tropicana in Las Vegas Tuesday, October 10 with the Pre-Conference afternoon session. With the focus of the conference being “Breaking Through Barriers for a Thriving Rehab Business”, take a look what you can anticipate this year.
Pre-Conference Session – The half-day session will focus on the Financial Fundamentals for Rehab Managers and will be geared towards new, current or potential rehab managers. You’ll hear from speaker Richard W. Hillyer, PT, DPT, MBA, MSM along with NARA members who will offer insight into managing large health systems, small provider practices and clinical operations managing multiple sites of service.
Day 1 Sessions – Growing Your Business
Day one is packed full of speakers to give you tips and tricks to grow your business. Learn how to navigate the growing numbers of millennials in the work place, how to grow your practice with evidence based marketing, and how to market your model in today’s ever-changing market.
Day 2 Sessions – Healthcare Reform/Legislative Impact
As healthcare changes on what seems like a daily basis, Day 2 is the perfect day to get an overview and understanding as to what is happening in our industry. Start the morning off with Ellen R. Strunk, PT, MS, GCS, CEEAA, CHC at Rehab Resources and Consulting, Inc. for her session, Payment Reform: Where Are We, followed by a Healthcare Reform Discussion for invited guests. The day doesn’t end there, Nancy Beckley, MS, MBA, CHC at Nancy Beckley & Associates will lead the session, Rehab Agency Red Alert: Compliance with ACA Section 1557 and the CMS Emergency. Join speakers for a panel discussion and presentation for Developing a Game Plan and breakout sessions!
Day 3 Sessions – Showing Value in Care/Outcomes
As the industry shifts to an emphasis on outcomes-based and value-based results, Day 3 sessions will focus on setting yourself and practice up for better value and evidence based practice. With sessions like Visualize Your Value, Evidence Based Clinical Programming and Reporting Objective Measures and Collecting, Analyzing and Acting on Outcomes Data to Prepare for Changing Payment Models, you’ll be ready to the value of your care!
You can find more information about the sessions and speakers here. We can’t wait for our members to convene to learn and grow together at the 2017 Fall Conference. We’ll see you in Las Vegas!