Posted On: May 12, 2017 by NARA in: Spring Conference

By now, you’ve arrived back home from the 2017 NARA Spring Conference and are getting back in the groove of day-to-day life. Here at NARA, we’re already getting prepared for our next conference in the fall. If you’re interested in speaking, we’re taking proposals now.
Before we get too far ahead, however, we’d like to take a moment to review some of the things we learned at this year’s conference:
- What it would mean if Congress did go through with repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.
- The new approach to rulemaking for HHS and CMS.
- An overview of what the future of the rehabilitation industry will look like.
- Reform of the SNF payment models that could include a PT/OT component.
- Exploration with George Olsen, Esq. about the legislative process and what it means for our field now that the Trump administration is in office.
- The impending implementation of merit-based incentive payment system and how you can be ready for it.
- A discussion about finding a solution to outpatient therapy caps.
- We visited Capitol Hill and visited with our representatives or their staff in order to bring our issues to their attention.
- NARA members held their annual business meeting.
- Friends of NARA, which include many professional groups and organizations, came together to talk about issues that mutually affect us.
Our goal with this conference was to help prepare our members for what is to come, and we felt our speakers did a good job covering that! If you would like to speak at our next conference in Las Vegas, we are accepting proposals. The focus of the Fall Conference is on the business side of rehab, as opposed to the regulatory side like our Spring Conference. If you have something you’d like to present, please email Christie Sheets at [email protected]. More details about what to expect as a speaker can be found here.