Posted On: April 23, 2019 by NARA in:

Why did you seek a career in healthcare, specifically, rehabilitation? The core of that answer is the same for everyone: to help people live their best life. Unfortunately, no matter the knowledge or education you acquire throughout the course of your career, it will be a challenge to help others to the level you aspire to without industry advocates. You likely already have a heavy caseload, but here’s why you should make it a priority.
Be a Voice
We help our patients every day with the practical and physical. Yet, there are constant threats to the quality of work that we are able to provide due to uneducated persons of power making decisions for our industry. This is your chance to share the stories of your patients and to be a credible voice for them in the areas where it truly matters. Being present in the places where decisions are made is essential to quality care. We can’t truly empathize with patients about legislation frustrations if we aren’t doing something to invoke change.
Build a Strong Network
As an advocate, you are meeting the frontliners in the industry. You are meeting the best of the best and the experts who know their field frontward and backward. What better people to meet, learn from and collaborate with?
Demonstrate the Industry Value
We always need people to bring attention to issues impacting the industry. By bringing attention to common issues in the field, we show the value of our work. We open an opportunity to listen and be heard with the major issues impacting the industry. There is strength in numbers.
Become a True Expert
When your patients know that you’re doing your best to help them outside of therapy and on a national level, they are going to feel that they are working with someone who truly cares about them. Moreover, they will feel and know that this profession is more than a job to you and that you truly aim to make a difference with every piece of negative legislation that may have otherwise passed without a fight.
Make Solutions a Reality
We can talk all day about what we want to see happen, but how much better does it feel to play a part in the mechanics of it all? With advocacy, you can play a part in keeping the great things great and changing the bad.
Are you ready to represent your specialty and patients on a new scale? Visit our site to learn how you can start collaborating!