Posted On: January 6, 2017 by NARA in: Uncategorized

At NARA, we strive to provide our members with the most up-to-date information on the business and regulatory side of therapy. We offer CEUs, webinars and two annual seminars. For the busy therapist—especially those who run the business side of their practice—finding time for education can be difficult. That’s why we would like to take some time to highlight our Special Interest Groups (SIG).
SIGs are group calls offered once per quarter or as needed. They’re designed to allow you to connect with others in your industry to learn from each other and talk about relevant topics. Each meeting is facilitated by a group leader, who steers the conversation and gives updates on current or future events.
There are three SIGS planned for the month of January. We will discuss acute/hospital topics on Thursday, Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. EST. On Tuesday, Jan. 24 the topic of home health will be discussed at 2:00 p.m. EST and on Tuesday, Jan. 17 we will talk about skilled nursing facilities/long-term care.
Other topics to be discussed in the future include compliance, outpatient and small providers. Sign up for many of these SIGs is already available. There will usually be one of two ways that you can join a call—either via phone or through a tablet or computer. Some SIGs are only available through the phone while others can be access through GoToWebinar. Even if you miss the SIG’s appointed time, you’ll still be able to access the recorded audio afterwards.
These groups are only open to NARA members, so this is one more benefit you would receive if you decided to join! Membership year begins July 1st and ends June 30th. Besides participating in SIGs, members also receive NARA eAlerts for legislative and industry updates, member pricing for conference registration and more. Contact us or visit our member section today if you would like to join.