Posted On: May 19, 2017 by NARA in: Legislation Legislature

Did you have a chance to meet with your Congressional Representative during the 2017 NARA Spring Conference in Washington, DC? Your work isn’t over yet! After you’ve had a chance to rest and collect yourself, you’ll want to take a series of steps to follow up. Here’s a few of them:
- Send a thank-you note.
You don’t have to run to the store and purchase a card. A simple email to each representative who met with you is enough. Doing this will foster positive memories and feelings towards you.
- Be patient.
Remember, your representatives are busy individuals! More than likely, you will receive a response to the thank-you email from one of their staff members. You probably won’t hear back from the representative on either your thank-you email or on the issues you brought to their attention. Wait for a couple of weeks and then contact them or a staff person again to see if they’ve had time to think on things.
- Continue to follow up.
Contact them a few times throughout the year and offer your expertise as a resource to them. You want your issue to stay on their mind, but you don’t want to bother them. By keeping in contact, they’ll know that there’s someone in their district who understands the issues. When they need to consult with someone, they should be convinced that you’re the first one they want to call.
- Attend their town halls.
Many politicians hold town halls when they return to their district so they can listen to their constituents. If you’re able to, attend these meetings and remind them of the things you talked about when you visited them in Washington.
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