Posted On: December 21, 2016 by NARA in:

This year just seemed to fly by! In the healthcare sector, we’ve continued to experience legislative changes and updates, and with the recent elections we may see even more in the upcoming year. Instead of speculating on what’s to come, today we’re going to review some of the topics we’ve touched on in the past year, for those of you who may have missed some:
In “The Unfortunate Rise of Medical Myths,” we talked about the growing trend of people in the modern era discarding science in favor of bizarre theories. Far from being fringe elements, one study found them to have come into being through common attribution process. We then discussed what you can do to stop these theories from causing people harm.
“Robbing Peter to Pay Paul,” covered some of the things you can do to make sure you get paid. We talked about how this may become a bigger problem in the future, due to overhauls in healthcare regulation that cause more people to be responsible for covering part of their visit.
We covered a few of the things you’ll need to do to prepare for legislative changes in “Getting the jump on outcome-based payments.” Some of those include putting an efficient data collection system in place, setting standards for each therapist and establishing your own measurements for patient success now—before a government agency sets it for you.
“6 Ways to Observe National Rehab Week,” gave some suggestions on how to use this observance to spread awareness of your business to the rest of the community. Some of them included holding an open house, speaking at local schools, reaching out to local media and organizing community events.
These are just a few of many topics we covered in 2016. We look forward to what the next year brings, and are busy planning our upcoming webinars and conferences. As a NARA member, you will have exclusive access to member pricing and resources to help your business grow. Join us today!